Tourism industry insights

EIU’s tourism industry analysis and data enable you to stay ahead of travel industry trends. Access robust forecasts to clarify current news in the tourism industry and identify opportunities for your organisation.

Tourism industry analysis and trends

China tourism

What is the tourism industry?

The tourism industry includes any domestic or international activity undertaken for leisure, business or social purposes. There are five branches of the tourism industry, accommodation, food and drink services, entertainment, transport, and the travel industry. Before the pandemic, the economic impact of tourism was high, it made up 10.4% of global GDP and created one in four new jobs worldwide. Now, tourism’s impact on economic development is much reduced. GDP contributions have halved and travel passenger numbers are unlikely to reach 2019 levels until at least late 2023. Business travel previously made up a significant portion of all travel, but as the climate-emergency climbs corporate agendas, many will want to keep international travel at a minimum.

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