EIU report

Top global risk scenarios

Although inflationary pressures have eased since mid-2022, high interest rates are weighing on growth and investor confidence. Meanwhile, geopolitical tensions remain high as divisions between Russia and Western democracies continue to widen.

EIU’s latest report assesses the likelihood of four critical geopolitical and economic risks, and outlines the impact these would have on global operating environments. 

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Top risks to the global economy

Icon of a nuclear atom enclosed in a circle
Geopolitical tensions could reignite a nuclear arms race

Persistent investor jitters may trigger financial sector contagion
Icon with a dollar sign on top of a globe, enclosed in a circle
A rapid easing in inflationary pressure could boost global growth
Icon of a globe in the palm of someone's hand enclosed in a circle
Military manoeuvres by China could force a full decoupling of the global economy

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