EIU report

Infrastructure opportunities in Latin America

Latin America’s infrastructure remains below par by international standards, limiting competitiveness and economic growth. With many of the region’s governments operating under significant fiscal constraints, they will turn to the private sector to take a more prominent role in developing much-needed infrastructure in 2024.

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Our main findings include:

Icon with a dollar sign next to arrows pointing upward, enclosed in a circleLatin America will need about US$250bn per year in infrastructure investments in 2024‑28 to close the gap
iconThere are myriad opportunities for private investors in all sectors across the region, but policies, regulatory frameworks and risks vary widely per country.
Icon with a government building enclosed in a circleA lack of consensus between governments, businesses and local communities will stoke social unrest and delay infrastructure development.
Icon with data streams coming out of a cloud, enclosed in a circleThe region’s infrastructure gap prevents it from keeping up with new technologies

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