EIU report

China Going Global Investment Index 2023

This year’s edition of the China Going Global Investment Index ranks 80 economies across nearly 200 indicators to identify opportunities and risk for Chinese firms and investors looking to expand globally. 

A decade since Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) launched in 2013, Chinese firms have become formidable investors globally, and the flow of overseas investment is set to increase over the next decade. 

EIU’s report, available in both English and Chinese, explores the most attractive investment destinations for Chinese investors and identifies economies with high operational and financial risk, and cooling bilateral relations with China.

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Topics covered in this report:

market access iconRankings of the most attractive investment destinations for Chinese investors
iconSub-index rankings tailored to specific investor interests
Icon of a globe behind a magnifying glass enclosed in a circleAn opportunity and risk matrix to assess market appeal

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China Going Global Investment Index 2023 webinar (in Chinese)

Our team of analysts assesses the opportunities and risks that lie ahead for Chinese investors through this year’s index rankings.