EIU White PapersMarket intelligence white paper reports The EIU’s white papers provide practical business information on a wide range of topics, from macroeconomic events and country affairs to the latest industry trends. Each report contains a broad overview followed by a detailed analysis of underlying issues and forecasts to help you operate more effectively.
Finance outlook 2023 EIU’s guide to finance in 2023 provides a comprehensive… Business | Financial Services | Global
Healthcare outlook 2023 EIU’s guide to healthcare in 2023 provides a comprehensive… Business | Forecasting | Healthcare | Global
Telecoms and technology outlook 2023 EIU’s guide to telecoms and technology in 2023 provides a… Business | Forecasting | Telecommunications | Global
Tourism outlook 2023 EIU’s guide to tourism in 2023 provides a comprehensive… Business | Forecasting | Tourism | Global
Navigating business risk in Asia Pacific This report examines the potential risks facing economies in… Business | Economy | Risk | Asia
Global economic outlook: October 2022 This global economic outlook report explores how the fallout… Economy | Energy | Forecasting | Ukraine crisis | Global
China’s emerging city rankings 2022 China's emerging city rankings identifies urban centres with… Economy | Asia
Asia’s energy transition: a tough balancing act This report analyses how Asia finds the right balance… Economy | Energy | Sustainability | Asia
Sovereign ESG ratings Measure the true impact that governments, businesses and… ESG | Sustainability | Global
Big tech: resilient despite macroeconomic headwinds This report outlines some of the critical challenges facing… Economy | Telecommunications | Global
Europe’s bleak midwinter: heading for an energy and growth crunch This report analyses which economies in Europe are most… Economy | Energy | Ukraine crisis | Europe
A new horizon for Africa-China relations This report discusses how the Africa-China relations will… Economy | Politics | Trade | Asia | Middle East and Africa
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