A virtual event by EIU

Brazil’s presidential election: what would a win for Lula mean?

Brazil’s presidential race is set to be tight, with a former president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and the incumbent, Jair Bolsonaro, heading to a second-round vote that will shape the country’s future.

Watch our Latin America specialists as they discuss the expected outcome of the presidential race, the risk of electoral disputes, and what a Lula government would mean for the country’s economy and business environment.

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Event agenda:

Whether the incumbent, Jair Bolsonaro, will allow a smooth transfer of power if he loses
The immediate challenges facing the new administration
Icon with a government building enclosed in a circleHow a Lula government would change the business environment in Brazil
Icon with a dollar sign on top of a globe, enclosed in a circleBrazil’s economic outlook in 2023-24

Session one:

Session two:

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