A virtual event by EIU

How will the mid-terms change the US political outlook in 2023-24?

Despite a string of legislative victories, the policy agenda of the Biden administration has been hampered by political division. Legislative gridlock will worsen if, as we currently expect, the Republicans retake either house of Congress in the upcoming mid-term elections.

In this on-demand webinar, our analysts explore how results from the mid-terms will affect the US political outlook in the coming years.

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Event agenda:

An icon of a balance scale enclosed in a circleEIU’s forecasts for the outcome of the House and Senate races
What the new makeup of Congress will mean for domestic policy
Icon with a government building enclosed in a circleHow results from the mid-terms will affect the 2024 presidential election
Icon with a globe and chess piece enclosed in a circleWhat to expect from US foreign policy in 2023-24

Event speakers:

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