Market Research White Papers | Economist Intelligence Unit The world's leading provider of country analysis and forecasts Wed, 29 May 2024 16:55:16 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Global economic outlook Wed, 29 May 2024 16:55:16 +0000 Geopolitical risk and high interest rates are continuing to…

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EIU report

Promising growth despite headwinds

Geopolitical risk and high interest rates are continuing to weigh on the outlook, but the global economy is showing remarkable resilience—to find out what’s powering this resilience and uncover our 2024 forecast, download our free report.

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Insights from this report:

Icon with a globe and chess piece enclosed in a circleGlobal power changes are leading to greater conflict, competition and reconfigurations in the global economy
Despite headwinds, the immediate growth outlook is fairly positive, thanks to the remarkable strength of the US economy
Icon with a dollar sign next to arrows pointing upward, enclosed in a circleAlthough the worst of the cost-of-living crisis is over, inflation levels won’t return to pre-pandemic levels
Stubborn inflation will limit the scope of monetary policy loosening

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The Gulf Co-operation Council’s expanding African footprint Wed, 15 May 2024 13:24:22 +0000 EIU’s latest report examines the industries that GCC…

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EIU report

The Gulf Co-operation Council’s expanding African footprint

The Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) member states—especially Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar—are already major investors in Africa and appear intent on increasing their exposure to the region.

EIU’s latest report examines the industries that GCC investors are watching closely in Africa. Understand the economic and political motives driving investments and the implications of deepening ties between the GCC and African countries.

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Themes covered in this report:

iconThe economic trends shaping bilateral trade between the GCC and Africa
Which logistics routes the GCC states aim to secure access to
Icon of a factory with smoke billowing from the chimney enclosed in a circleHow the GCC states plan to target African resources
Icon with a dollar sign next to arrows pointing upward, enclosed in a circleThe benefits that GCC investments will bring to Africa

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North America: regional outlook summary Wed, 08 May 2024 21:44:14 +0000 EIU’s latest report provides expert insights and critical…

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North America: regional outlook summary

Despite ongoing geopolitical turmoil, the regional economy has proven to be quite resilient. We forecast that the US economy will expand by 2.2% in 2024. Meanwhile, Canada’s economy is forecast to grow by 1.9%, supported by the strength of the US market and strong commodity prices. However, with a Biden-Trump rematch looming, political and policy risk remain high.

Download EIU’s latest report to learn more about the critical trends and threats that will shape the economic, political and policy landscape in North America.

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Themes covered in this report:

iconUS growth will prove resilient in 2024, strengthening Canada’s economy in the process
The avoidance of a recession in the US is unusual compared to past cycles
Industrial policy in the United States won’t shift decisively under either a second Biden or Trump presidency
Icon with a government building enclosed in a circleProspects are poor for advancing new legislation before US elections in November

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The Middle East: regional outlook summary Wed, 24 Apr 2024 11:38:46 +0000 EIU’s latest report provides expert insights and critical…

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The Middle East: regional outlook summary

Despite economic growth for the region, the Middle East faces uncertainty as the Israel-Hamas war continues to destabilise geopolitics.

EIU’s latest report provides expert insights and critical trends within the Middle East, empowering you to make informed and strategic decisions.

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Themes covered in this report:

iconA lasting agreement for Gaza will be challenging to find
Why a multi-front proxy war is a high risk
An icon indicating target marketThe spillover effects from the attacks in the Red Sea
Icon with a globe and chess piece enclosed in a circleThe security threat posed by Iran and its relations with the GCC states

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Five global risks Wed, 17 Apr 2024 15:17:26 +0000 EIU’s latest report assesses the likelihood of five…

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Five global risks

Geopolitical volatility is increasing and further changes in the global distribution of power will lead to a more competitive, fragmented world. Meanwhile, the US presidential election has the potential to further disrupt global trade and security alliances.

EIU’s latest report assesses the likelihood of five critical risks and outlines the economic repercussions these scenarios would have on global operating environments. 

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Five risks to watch in Europe for 2024 Wed, 03 Apr 2024 08:11:03 +0000 EIU’s latest report dives into five risks that businesses…

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EIU report

Five risks to watch in Europe for 2024

EIU’s latest report dives into five risks that businesses should watch in Europe as uncertainty over the region’s political, economic and geopolitical outlook deepens. 

These scenarios are all below 50% probability and are not part of EIU’s core forecast, but are important to monitor as they could significantly fracture operations, if they materialise. 

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Risk scenarios covered in this report:

Icon of a globe behind a magnifying glass enclosed in a circleA Trump victory in the US forces Ukraine to accept a peace deal
Icon with data streams coming out of a cloud, enclosed in a circleCyber interference disrupts European Parliament elections
market access iconThe European economy experiences a hard landing
Extreme weather events severely disrupt supply chains
iconRising debt levels trigger bond market jitters

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Asia: regional outlook summary Wed, 27 Mar 2024 12:43:31 +0000 Download EIU’s latest report to learn more about the…

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Asia: regional outlook summary

Asia’s growth is set to outpace other regions, despite economic headwinds stemming from supply chain bottlenecks and geopolitical strains. China’s growth is expected to slow as property sector stress and government debt challenges loom. India will be a bright spot in the region as growth momentum will pick up.

Download EIU’s latest report to learn more about the critical trends and threats that will shape the economic, political and policy landscape in Asia.

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Themes covered in this report:

market access iconGrowth in Asia is decelerating but is set to outpace other regions
China’s growth is expected to slow, but services sector demand will remain a bright spot
iconExport-oriented economies in Asia are set to benefit as the global electronics cycle picks up
Icon with a dollar sign next to arrows pointing upward, enclosed in a circleThe effects of EI Niño and food export bans will fuel inflationary pressure
Icon with a globe and chess piece enclosed in a circleUS-China rivalry will shape Asia’s geopolitical landscape

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Assessing the best places for doing business Wed, 20 Mar 2024 09:31:55 +0000 EIU’s business environment rankings assess 91 indicators…

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Assessing the best places for doing business

EIU’s business environment rankings assess 91 indicators to give a comprehensive measure of the attractiveness of doing business in 82 countries and territories. 

Singapore topped our latest rankings, followed by Denmark and the US. Greece’s score improved by the largest margin—reflecting the impact of a pro-business government that has undertaken reforms, cut taxes and boosted business confidence. 

Download our summary report to dive into two decades’ worth of data and explore the correlation between a country’s improvement in the rankings and GDP per head.

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Topics included in this report:

The best places to do business today
market access iconThe countries that have moved most significantly in our rankings
Icon with two hands in a handshakeDo business-friendly reforms lead to stronger growth?
Icon of a globe in the palm of someone's hand enclosed in a circleCountries with weak business environments that are poised to improve

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Global economic outlook Tue, 27 Feb 2024 15:56:14 +0000 Continued geopolitical tensions will lead to economic…

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EIU report

Strong US economy drives global growth upgrade

Continued geopolitical tensions, stoked by the Israel-Hamas war, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and US-China rivalry, will lead to economic fragmentation and supply-chain reorganisation. Explore how this will affect the global outlook for 2024 in our latest report.

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Topics included in this report:

market access iconHow rising geopolitical competition could affect growth potential
Whether the global economy will slip into recession amid continued high interest rates
Icon with a dollar sign next to arrows pointing upward, enclosed in a circleThe impact of the Israel-Hamas war on consumer prices
iconThe fiscal outlook as monetary policy tightening ends
Icon of a globe in the palm of someone's hand enclosed in a circleGrowth opportunities in emerging markets, AI and green industries

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The war in Ukraine: no breakthrough in 2024 Wed, 21 Feb 2024 09:08:37 +0000 EIU’s latest report provides businesses with foresight of…

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EIU report

Russia-Ukraine War: no breakthrough in 2024

Two years since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Russia occupies almost a fifth of Ukraine’s territory, including in Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson. Both sides have suffered heavy loss—and as peace talks remain a distant prospect, there are no signs of the end of the Ukraine War. How will geopolitical risks and relationships influence support for Ukraine in 2024?

EIU’s latest report on the Ukraine War provides businesses with foresight of the critical global trends and risks that will emerge in 2024 as a result.

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Topics included in this report:

strategy iconThe effect of war fatigue on international military backing
How political risks could compromise Western support
Icon with two hands in a handshakeWhy neither side in the Russia-Ukraine war is willing to negotiate peace talks
Icon of a globe in the palm of someone's hand enclosed in a circleThe long road to recovery and reconstruction after the war

Global Outlook: the war in Ukraine

In EIU’s Global Outlook video from March 2024, regional director for Europe, Emily Mansfield, and senior analyst, Adeline Van Houtte, discuss the outlook and analysis for the war in Ukraine.

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