EIU report

Assessing the best places for doing business

EIU’s business environment rankings assess 91 indicators to give a comprehensive measure of the attractiveness of doing business in 82 countries and territories. 

Singapore topped our latest rankings, followed by Denmark and the US. Greece’s score improved by the largest margin—reflecting the impact of a pro-business government that has undertaken reforms, cut taxes and boosted business confidence. 

Download our summary report to dive into two decades’ worth of data and explore the correlation between a country’s improvement in the rankings and GDP per head.

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Topics included in this report:

The best places to do business today
market access iconThe countries that have moved most significantly in our rankings
Icon with two hands in a handshakeDo business-friendly reforms lead to stronger growth?
Icon of a globe in the palm of someone's hand enclosed in a circleCountries with weak business environments that are poised to improve

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