EIU Webinars Virtual events to help you navigate business challengesRegister for upcoming live virtual events featuring our global team of expert analysts or view recent topical highlights
Global economic outlook Watch on-demand as EIU’s analysts discuss the factors… Economy | Forecasting | Global
Assessing the best places for doing business Watch on-demand as EIU’s analysts discuss which… Economy | Risk | Supply chains | Global | Business, Industry
Conflict over Taiwan: assessing exposure in Asia Watch on-demand as the team discusses the implications of a… Economy | Risk | Asia
The Global Liveability Index 2023 webinar Watch on-demand as the team behind EIU’s Global… Consumer | Liveability | Global
Technology and telecommunications outlook Watch on-demand as the team explore the major trends that… Economy | Telecommunications | Global | Technology
Top global risk scenarios Watch on-demand as the team assess the macroeconomic and… Economy | Forecasting | Risk | Global
Latin America outlook In this on-demand webinar, our experts analyse the trends… Economy | Forecasting | Politics | Latin America
Consumer goods and retail outlook In this on-demand webinar, our industry experts explore how… Consumer | Economy | Global | Consumer | Consumer goods | Retail
India’s manufacturing moment In this on-demand webinar, our regional specialists explore… Economy | Supply chains | Asia | Manufacturing
Global economic outlook 2023 In this on-demand webinar, our experts analyse the… Economy | Forecasting | Global
Finance outlook In this on-demand webinar, our industry experts analyse how… Economy | Financial Services | Global | Financial Services
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