Who we help

Asset management intelligence

Develop winning investment strategies and monitor market-moving trends that could affect your portfolio. EIU’s macroeconomic, geopolitical and policy insights enable asset managers to minimise risk to current holdings, optimise asset allocation and identify market opportunities.

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Protect portfolio performance

Protect your investment returns with EIU’s consistent and comprehensive risk data for developed, emerging and frontier markets.

Through EIU’s Viewpoint service, organisations have access to political and economic outlooks for nearly 200 markets, six industries and 25 critical commodities. This is complemented by our customisable data tool, which includes comprehensive forecasts for the operational, credit and reputational risk landscapes.

These quantitative and qualitative insights empower investment teams to align their portfolio with their clients’ risk appetite and quickly respond to emerging risks across multiple fronts.

Identify investment opportunities

Uncover investment opportunities that could bring both immediate and long-term value to your portfolio. 

Our interactive data tool has 20,000 series that are updated monthly. Alongside this, we produce award-winning forecasts and regular analysis pieces explaining the impact that political events and economic developments will have across asset classes.

This forward-looking view empowers fund managers to identify new areas for growth, and ensures that investments meet their clients’ long-term financial objectives.

Prepare for the future

Understand the opportunities and risks facing your portfolio in the medium and long term.

EIU produces forecasts to 2050 across a range of macroeconomic indicators and releases regular thematic analysis pieces focused on economic, geopolitical and industry trends. We also provide environmental, social and governance risk scores for 150 countries.

This comprehensive service enables decision-makers to plan with conviction by identifying long-term trends, while aligning their portfolio with sustainable investing initiatives.

Challenge consensus

Get a fresh perspective.

Our success is built on high-quality, unbiased and independent research. We forecast market-moving events, often with counter-consensus calls, and get it right. Should you want to discuss any of our analysis or forecasts, you can talk to one of our country or industry experts. 

This service adds clarity to investment decisions, and equips fund managers with the tools to understand the effects of macroeconomic and geopolitical events on their investments.

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Functions we serve

Investment management

Monitor market volatility and uncover new investment opportunities.

Risk management

Anticipate and mitigate financial, operational and reputational threats.

Strategy and corporate development

Add clarity to your planning by exploring the trends that will shape the future.

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