EIU White PapersMarket intelligence white paper reports The EIU’s white papers provide practical business information on a wide range of topics, from macroeconomic events and country affairs to the latest industry trends. Each report contains a broad overview followed by a detailed analysis of underlying issues and forecasts to help you operate more effectively.
Managing financial risk amid global uncertainty EIU’s latest report takes a closer look at sovereign… Credit risk | Financial Services | Risk | Global
Africa’s operational risk outlook EIU’s report assesses the likelihood of five critical… Forecasting | Risk | Middle East and Africa
No return to cheap money EIU’s latest report offers financial risk insights at a… Credit risk | Risk | Global | Financial Services
The starting mark of a subsidy race EIU’s latest report explores how the subsidy race is… Climate Change | Economy | Americas | Global | Financial Services
What does “de-risking” from China mean for Europe? EIU’s report takes a closer look at how the EU reduces the… Economy | Politics | Risk | Asia | Europe | Financial Services
The climate change crisis Explore climate change trends within financing… Climate Change | ESG | Forecasting | Risk | Sustainability | Global
Global economic outlook Explore how ongoing threats posed by the war in Ukraine… Economy | Forecasting | Global
Conflict over Taiwan: assessing exposure in Asia EIU’s latest report explores the implications of a… Economy | Politics | Asia | Financial Services
The Global Liveability Index 2023 The Global Liveability Index quantifies the challenges… Liveability | Global
The end of easy money EIU’s latest report explores how recent challenges will… Economy | Forecasting | Global | Financial Services
The Middle East’s banking sector resilience Explore EIU’s forecasts for the Middle East’s banking… Economy | Financial Services | Forecasting | Middle East and Africa | Financial Services
US economic slowdown EIU’s latest report provides businesses with foresight of… Consumer | Economy | Forecasting | Risk | Americas
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