EIU White PapersMarket intelligence white paper reports The EIU’s white papers provide practical business information on a wide range of topics, from macroeconomic events and country affairs to the latest industry trends. Each report contains a broad overview followed by a detailed analysis of underlying issues and forecasts to help you operate more effectively.
Top global risk scenarios EIU’s latest report assesses the likelihood of four… Economy | Forecasting | Risk | Global
Turkey’s critical elections Discover EIU’s forecasts for Turkey’s elections… Economy | Politics | Europe
Business environment rankings EIU’s business environment rankings measure the… Business | Forecasting | Global
Global economic outlook Explore how the ripple effects of the war in Ukraine… Economy | Forecasting | Global
India’s manufacturing moment This report explores India’s potential to establish itself… Economy | Supply chains | Asia | Manufacturing
Asia’s election outlook 2023 This report examines this year’s crucial legislative… Economy | Forecasting | Politics | Asia
The war in Ukraine: Russia’s ruptured relations with the West A year on from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the war is… Forecasting | Ukraine crisis | World Events | Global
Global monetary policy in 2023 In response to soaring inflation, the Federal Reserve and… Economy | Forecasting | Regulation | Risk | Americas | Europe | Global
Commodities outlook 2023 EIU’s latest report, Commodities outlook 2023, provides… Commodity | Economy | Forecasting | Global
China outlook 2023 China’s zero-covid restrictions have been lifted, but the… Economy | Forecasting | Asia
Assessing 5G readiness in Africa Examine the critical challenges facing 5G rollout in Africa… Politics | Regulation | Telecommunications | Middle East and Africa
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